We welcome all children who are attendees of a non-Catholic school to participate in our PREP program. Classes are held on Sunday mornings, beginning in September. Classes are taught by dedicated volunteers alongside our Director of Religious Education (DRE), Mr. Jim King.
Parish Religious Education Program
PREP registration is now closed. Late registrations/payments may result in your child(ren) being placed in the home-based catechesis PREP program, should there not be enough room in an in-person class for them, as determined by the DRE and Pastor at their discretion. Only one form is needed per family.
Tuition rates for the 2024-25 year are on the registration form. Payment may be made through our parish website via Online Giving (preferred method) or by check, made payable to St Basil the Great Parish. Financial assistance and/or payment plans are available for those in need - please call the DRE if you need to discuss a payment plan.
Materials for our 2024-25 PREP & Confirmation Programs are now available! Please review the 2024-25 PREP Handbook if your child is in the program.
Please contact Jim King, our DRE, at 610-933-2110, Ext. 804 or jking@sbgparish.org with any questions and for information about volunteering.
Thank you for choosing to enroll in our PREP programs! We look forward to a great year!